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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

hey people!

(Dance countdown: 9 days)
Wouldn't you think that with the dance so close, every girl would choose an available (see definition below) man & stick with him, waiting for him to ask her to be his date? (DEFINITION: available- a boy that no one besides you is crushing on!) Well, my darlings, this is never the case, & the sooner you learn this the better. 

I know, I know, call me a hypocrite, but maybe, just maybe it isn't so bad to have a date. I mean all that means is HIS undivided attention. And who doesn't want that??


Rumored that a certain C spilled the deets about her may-not-be-as-available-as-she-once-thought man. And to whom? Anon. And seeing as the above hottie may or may not still have the hots for Anon, this is bound to get interesting. But.. I may not be speaking in the correct tense because it seems to me Anon might have taken this to her advantage.. maybe around 11:40 this morning?


K, C, & A, the inseperable trio, seen in their assumed positions, wood floor, legs crossed, leaning in to hear the latest dish and keep some secrets. C confessing his love for the same K over a not-so-delicious snack of everyone's favorite cheesy crackers. Odd, seeing as they never talked before. Need to be jealous? Nah, he can't be serious can he? Maybe K is just playing wingman for a certain, i don't know, C? Last but not least, E lusting over a certain K..returned..or..is another K in the equation too. Well you'll be the second to know, pinky promise..

you know you love me, 

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